Lawn sale agreement

Agreement for Sale of Lawns

This Agreement is a sale of lawns agreement between “Name”, the “Vendor” and “Name”, the “Purchasers”.

The Vendor agrees that all the information supplied so far (spread sheets etc.) to the Purchaser is correct to the best of his knowledge.

The Vendor has agreed to sell the Purchaser approximately 46 lawn mowing agreements (verbal) currently turning over $750 a week.

All the customers are regular customers.  

The total price is $9000

As the business is sold as a going concern there is no GST content in the sale price.

A deposit of $3000 will be paid within 24 hours of signing this agreement to make this agreement valid.

The bank account details for the all payments are …………………………………….

The vendor agrees that there will be no less than the amount of lawns required for turnover of $750 a week at the time of takeover any lawns that are cancelled or do not go ahead in the first mow will be replaced with a lawn of similar value.

The vendor also agrees to replace any lawns lost for any reason (except bad workmanship or failing to turn up) with a lawn of the same value for the first two weeks after takeover.

A second payment of $6000 (in cleared funds) is required to be in the Vendors account by the 27h  October and at that time the vender will supply all contact details, lawn maps and job instructions for all customers on the list.

Takeover date for the lawn round will be on the 30th October 2017.

The Vendor will have contacted all the customers before the Purchaser takes over so the customers are aware that purchaser is taking over the business.

All payments collected and due until hand over day are payable to the Vendor and all payments for work done after that date are payable to the Purchaser.

The Vendor agrees that he will be solely responsible for collection of any payments owing up to handover day. The Vendor will pay the purchaser a cash payment for any customer credits (if any).

Any payment made in error after the takeover date to the Vendor will be refunded back to the customer.



Vendor   Name

Dated this                   day of October 2018



Purchaser   Name

Dated this                   day of October 2018

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